Data Dictionary
When using the GraphQL API to query or update some of the many data points we’ve made available for you, it helps to have an understanding of each of the fields on offer.
To assist you in making use of the GraphQL API, we have put together a data dictionary, which provides a description of the most used data types within the API.
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | The URL to the background image of the product. |
Name | Type | Description |
background_url | String | The URL to the background image of the job template. |
layout_preset | String | A URI to a custom layout preset. For example, if DTF Meters is selected on the job template in the UI, the URI will be “Client\Kornit\DtfMetresBatchLayoutPreset”. |
coversheet_html | String | The HTML that will be used for the coversheet of the job template. |
min_item_quantity | Int | Items with greater than or equal to this minimum quantity will be batched out using this job template. |
max_item_quantity | Int | Items with less than or equal to this maximum quantity will be batched out using this job template. |
id | Int | A unique numerical ID that is automatically assigned to every job template created in the platform. |
ref | String | A unique alpha-numeric reference that is automatically assigned to every job template created in the platform. |
sku | String | A comma separated list of SKUs that will use the job template. |
name | String | The name of the job template. |
has_background | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the batch has a background image uploaded to it. |
fulfiller_company_ref_id | Int | The company reference ID of the production centre that’s associated with this job template. |
position_count | Int | The number of item positions on the job template. |
sides_count | Int | The number of sides set on the job template. For artwork processing batches of items that have more than one print area output. |
country_code | String | A comma separated list of 2-Letter country codes. Orders with a shipping country code that is in the list have the potential to use this job template. |
output_type | String | The artwork output type of this job template. Raster or Vector. Artwork processing batches only. |
pages | Int | The number of pages that will be output. Artwork processing batches only. |
seperate_quantity | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the item quantity should result in a single or multiple item placements when the item quantity is greater than 1. |
is_coversheet_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the batch coversheet is enabled. Artwork processing batches only. |
enable_image_item_details | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the batch will contain details such as item barcode and SKU below each item. Artwork processing batches only. |
cut_off_time_expression | String | The cut off time of the job template, expressed in cron format. i.e. The time at which all unfilled batches will be queued for generation. |
cut_off_merge | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether unfilled batches with non-mixed SKUs will be merged at the point the cut off time has been reached. |
is_artwork_processing_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether artwork processing is enabled on the job template. |
is_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the job template is enabled. |
inherit_dropships | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether dropships are automatically added to the job template through inheritance or are explicitly specified. |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the job template is deleted. |
is_restrict_to_single_item_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the production job will be immediately queued for artwork generation, once a single order item has been batched using the job template, even if the capacity of the production job has not been filled. |
is_mixing_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the production batches created using this job template, will mix SKUs or keep each SKU on a separate production job. |
is_restrict_to_single_order_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the production job will be immediately queued for artwork generation, once a single order has been batched using the job template, even if the capacity of the production job has not been filled. |
is_dispatch_date_production_delay_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the required dispatch date field on the order will be taken into account. |
order_size | Int | An integer value to indicate the order size selected on the job template. 0 = Any, 1 = Single Unit, 255 = Multi Unit. |
cmyk_colour_profile | String | The CMYK colour profile of the job template. |
rgb_colour_profile | String | The RGB colour profile of the job template. |
shipping_carrier_method_set | String | A comma separated list of shipping methods and carriers. Orders with a shipping carrier or method that is in the list have the potential to use this job template. |
size_set | String | A comma separated list of item sizes. Orders with an item size that is in the list have the potential to use this job template. |
colour_set | String | A comma separated list of item colours. Orders with an item colour that is in the list have the potential to use this job template. |
machine_type_set | String | A comma separated list of machine types. Orders with a machine type that is in the list have the potential to use this job template. |
api_version | String | The API version of the job template. |
bartender_printers | String | A comma separated list of printer names to be used with Bartender. |
bartender_api_url | String | The API URL of the Bartender service. |
bartender_document_path | String | The local document path for the Bartender service. |
cloud_rip_printer | String | The name of the printer using the Cloud RIP service. |
cloud_rip_print_mode | String | The name of the Cloud RIP printers’ print mode. |
cloud_rip_output_option | String | Whether the Cloud RIP output uses the ‘Media’ or ‘Template’ option. |
cloud_rip_output_media_name | String | The name of the Cloud RIP output media. |
cloud_rip_output_template_name | String | The Cloud RIP template name. |
cloud_rip_template_slot_number | Int | The Cloud RIP template slot number if ‘Template’ is selected as the output option. |
auto_cloud_rip | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether jobs are sent to Cloud RIP automatically once the job is in the Pending Production status. |
order_continuousness | Int | An integer value to indicate the level of order continuousness selected on the job template. 1 = Default, 2 = All Units, 3 = All Items. |
positions (Array) | An array of objects that hold details of the positions associated with the job template. | |
products (Array) | An array of objects that hold details of the products associated with the job template. | |
production_integration | BatchTemplateProductionIntegration | An object that holds details of the production integration associated with the job template. |
production_rip_integration | BatchTemplateProductionRipIntegration | An object that holds details of the RIP integration associated with the job template. |
production_notification_integration | BatchTemplateProductionNotificationIntegration | An object that holds details of the notification integration associated with the job template. |
company_ref_ids (Array) | Int | A list of company IDs whose orders will use this job template. |
Name | Type | Description |
mask_url | String | The URL of the mask file uploaded to the job template position. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the job template position. |
template_id | Int | The unique ID of the job template which the job template position is associated with. |
name | String | The name of the job template position. |
x | Int | The x value of the artwork placement in px. |
y | Int | The y value of the artwork placement in px. |
rotation | Int | The degrees of rotation applied to the artwork placement. |
width | Int | The width in relation to the crop in px. |
height | Int | The height in relation to the crop in px. |
scale | Float | The amount of scaling that is to be applied to the job template position. For example, 2 would double the size and 0.5 would half the size. |
is_scale_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether scaling is enabled on the job template position. |
is_crop_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether cropping is enabled on the job template position. |
flip_x | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the artwork placement will be flipped on the x axis. |
flip_y | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the artwork placement will be flipped on the y axis. |
type | Int | An integer value to indicate the job template position type. 0 = Artwork |
has_mask | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the job template position has a mask associated with it. |
Name | Type | Description |
variant_id | Int | The unique ID of the variant associated with the job template product. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the job template product. |
template_id | Int | The unique ID of the job template associated with the job template product. |
product_id | Int | The unique ID of the product associated with the job template product. |
product | An object that holds details of the product associated with the job template product. | |
variant | An object that holds details of the product variant associated with the job template product. |
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | The URL to the bespoke product image uploaded by the user. |
Name | Type | Description |
status_name | String | The name of the current status of the order. For example, “Received” or “In Production”. |
secondary_company_ref_id | Int | The dropship company reference ID associated with the order. |
pos_user_id | Int | The ID of the user that placed the order, if it was created using the Place Order function within the platform. |
currency_code | String | The currency code associated with the order. |
id | Int | A unique numerical ID that is automatically assigned to every order created in the platform. |
ref | String | A unique alpha-numeric reference that is automatically assigned to every order created in the platform. |
external_ref | String | The order reference provided by the external order source. |
tag | String | Tags associated with the order. |
additional_info | String | Additional Information associated with the order. |
company_ref_id | Int | The sales channel company reference ID associated with the order. |
status | Int | The ID of the current status of the order. For example, 1 for “Received” or 4 for “In Production”. |
sale_datetime | String | The date and time (must be UTC) of when the order was placed in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (i.e. 2023-04-30 10:54:23). |
completion_datetime | String | The date and time the order was dispatched in the platform. |
creation_datetime | String | The data and time the order was created in the platform. |
required_dispatch_date | String | The required dispatch date for the order in the format YYYY-MM-DD (i.e. 2023-04-30). |
has_been_completed | Boolean | A flag to indicate that the order has been completed. |
shipping_company | String | The shipping address company name. |
shipping_address_1 | String | The shipping address line 1. |
shipping_address_2 | String | The shipping address line 2. |
shipping_address_3 | String | The shipping address line 3. |
shipping_address_4 | String | The shipping address line 4 or city. |
shipping_address_5 | String | The shipping address line 5 or region. |
shipping_postcode | String | The shipping address postcode. |
shipping_country | String | The shipping address country name. |
shipping_country_code | String | The shipping address 2 letter country code. Formatted to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. |
shipping_method | String | The shipping method of the order. |
shipping_carrier | String | The shipping carrier of the order. |
shipping_tracking | String | The shipping tracking number associated with the order. |
shipping_note_url | String | A URL to a shipping note provided externally to the platform. |
shipping_price | Float | The shipping cost of the order. |
shipping_price_inc_tax | Float | The shipping cost of the order including tax. |
shipping_tax_rate | Float | The tax rate associated with the shipping cost of the order. |
billing_company | String | The billing address company name. |
billing_address_1 | String | The billing address line 1. |
billing_address_2 | String | The billing address line 2. |
billing_address_3 | String | The billing address line 3. |
billing_address_4 | String | The billing address line 4 or city. |
billing_address_5 | String | The billing address line 5 or region. |
billing_postcode | String | The billing address postcode. |
billing_country | String | The billing address country name. |
payment_trans_id | String | An ID associated with the payment for the order. |
payment_type | String | The type of payment used for the order. |
customer_name | String | The shipping address customer name. |
customer_email | String | The shipping address customer email address. |
customer_telephone | String | The shipping address customer telephone number. |
customer_telephone_mobile | String | The shipping address customer mobile telephone number. |
billing_customer_name | String | The billing address customer name. |
billing_customer_email | String | The billing address customer email address. |
billing_customer_telephone | String | The billing address customer telephone number. |
has_pdf_been_queued | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether or not the PDF documents associated with the order have been queued for generation. |
has_pdf_been_completed | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether or not the PDF documents associated with the order have been generated. |
has_initial_confirmation_email_been_sent | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether or not the initial confirmation email has been sent. |
has_shipping_confirmation_email_been_sent | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether or not the shipping confirmation email has been sent. |
has_been_invoiced | Boolean | A flag to indicate that the order has been invoiced. |
status_callback_url | String | The status callback URL that status updates are pushed to. |
is_status_callback_pending | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether or not a status callback is pending. |
status_callback_attempts | Int | The number of times the platform has attempted to send a status update to the status_callback_url. |
status_callback_next_retry | String | The scheduled date time of the next status callback attempt, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. |
has_error | Boolean | A flag to indicate that the order has an error. |
error_message | String | A description of the error on the order, if it has any. |
stock_request_id | Int | The ID of the stock request associated with the order. |
consolidate | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether or not the order is consolidated. Seems to be no longer in use. |
is_urgent | Boolean | A flag to indicate that the order is urgent. |
is_free_of_charge | Boolean | A flag to indicate that the order is free of charge. |
coupon_code | String | The coupon code associated with the order. |
lifecycle_flags | OrderLifecycleFlags | An object that holds details of the lifecycle flags associated with the order. |
primary_company | PublicCompany | An object that holds details of the primary company associated with the order. |
secondary_company | PublicCompany | An object that holds details of the secondary company associated with the order. |
items | An array of objects that hold details of the order items associated with the order. | |
attributes | An array of objects that hold details of the order attributes associated with the order. | |
histories | An array of objects that hold details of the order histories associated with the order. | |
shipments | An array of objects that hold details of the order shipments associated with the order. | |
returns | An array of objects that hold details of the order returns associated with the order. | |
cancellations | An array of objects that hold details of the order cancellations associated with the order. | |
refunds | An array of objects that hold details of the order refunds associated with the order. | |
pdfs | An array of objects that hold details of the order PDFs associated with the order. | |
bin | ProductionBin | An object that holds details of the production bin associated with the order. |
stats | An object that holds line count and unit count statistics of the order. | |
customer_service | OrderCustomerService | An object that holds customer service information associated with the order. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | The unique ID of the order attribute. |
order_id | Int | The ID of the order that the order attribute is associated with. |
name | String | The name of the order attribute. |
value | String | The value of the order attribute. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | The unique ID of the order cancellation. |
retailer_notified | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the retailer has been notified of the order cancellation or not. |
created_datetime | String | The date and time that the order cancellation was created. |
items | An object that holds details of the items associated with the order cancellation. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | The unique ID of the order cancellation item. |
cancellation_id | Int | The ID of the cancellation that the cancellation item is associated with. |
order_id | Int | The ID of the order that the cancellation item is associated with. |
order_item_id | Int | The ID of the order item that the cancellation item is associated with. |
quantity | Int | The item quantity associated with the cancellation item. |
Name | Type | Description |
to_status_name | String | The name of the status the order transitioned to. |
from_status_name | String | The name of the status the order transitioned from. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the order history. |
order_id | Int | The ID of the order that the order history is associated with. |
datetime | String | The date and time that the order history was created. |
from_status | Int | The ID of the status the order transitioned from. |
to_status | Int | The ID of the status the order transitioned to. |
user_id | Int | The ID of the user associated with the order history event. |
comments | String | The comments associated with the order history. |
customer_notified | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the customer was notified of this order history event. |
user | PublicUser | An object that holds details of the user associated with the order history event. |
Name | Type | Description |
status_name | String | The name of the current status of the order item. For example, “Received” or “In Production”. |
textual_product_id | Int | The product ID associated with the order item. |
product_variant_id | Int | The product variant ID associated with the order item. |
print_job_ref | String | The print job reference associated with the order item. Item type 2 only. |
product_state_id | Int | The product state ID associated with the order item. |
product_state_ref | String | The product state reference associated with the order item. |
is_batched | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the order item is in a production job or not. |
id | Int | A unique numerical ID that is automatically assigned to every order item created in the platform. |
order_id | Int | The order ID that the order item relates to. |
sku | String | The SKU of the item. |
mapped_sku | String | The SKU of the item after mapping has been applied by the platform. |
description | String | The name of the product. For example, “Smiley Face T-Shirt”. |
colour | String | The colour of the item. |
size | String | The size of the item. |
quantity | Int | The quantity ordered. |
type | Int | An integer value to indicate the order item type. 0 = Unknown |
status | Int | The ID of the current status of the order item. For example, 1 for “Received” or 3 for “Dispatched”. |
ref | String | A unique alpha-numeric reference that is automatically assigned to every order item created in the platform. |
external_ref | String | The order item reference provided by the external order source. |
license | String | The license name associated with the order item. |
license_percentage | String | The license percentage associated with the order item. |
shipping_price | Float | The shipping cost of the order item. |
shipping_price_inc_tax | Float | The shipping cost of the order item including tax. |
unit_sale_price | Float | The sale price of the order item. |
unit_sale_price_inc_tax | Float | The sale price of the order item including tax. |
sale_vat_rate | Float | The tax rate associated with the sale price of the order item. |
unit_cost_price | Float | The unit cost price of the order item. |
bundle_ref | String | The bundle reference associated with the order item. |
quantity_batched | Int | The quantity of the item that is currently in a production job. |
quantity_dispatched | Int | The quantity of the item that is currently dispatched. |
quantity_consolidated | Int | The quantity of the item that is currently consolidated. |
print_job_id | Int | The print job ID associated with the order item. Item type 2 only. |
print_job_promise_ref | String | The print job promise reference associated with the order item. Item type 2 only. |
external_url | String | The external artwork URL associated with the order item. Item type 1 only. |
external_thumbnail_url | String | The external thumbnail URL associated with the order item. |
print_on_demand_ref | String | The print on demand reference associated with the order item. Item type 3 only. |
artwork_barcode | String | The artwork barcode ID associated with the order item. |
thumbnail | An object that holds details of the thumbnail associated with the order item. | |
production_units | OrderItemProductionUnit | An array of objects that hold details of the production units associated with the order item. |
print_job | PrintJob | An object that holds details of the print job associated with the order item. |
product_state | ProductState | An object that holds details of the product state associated with the order item. |
attributes | An array of objects that hold details of the attributes associated with the order item. | |
artwork | PsogArtworkItem | An object that holds details of the artwork associated with the order item. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | The unique ID of the order item attribute. |
item_id | Int | The ID of the order item that the order item attribute is associated with. |
name | String | The name of the order item attribute. |
value | String | The value of the order item attribute. |
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | The URL to the order item thumbnail. |
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the PDF associated with the order. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the order PDF. |
order_id | Int | The ID of the order associated with the order PDF. |
type | Int | The type code of the order PDF. |
url | String | A URL to the order PDF. |
ref | String | The unique alpha-numeric reference of the order PDF. |
is_outdated | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the order PDF is outdated or not. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | The unique ID of the order refund. |
retailer_notified | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the retailer has been notified of the order refund or not. |
created_datetime | String | The date and time that the order refund was created. |
items | An array of objects that hold details of the items associated with the order refund. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | The unique ID of the order refund item. |
refund_id | Int | The ID of the refund that the refund item is associated with. |
order_id | Int | The ID of the order that the refund item is associated with. |
order_item_id | Int | The ID of the order item that the refund item is associated with. |
quantity | Int | The item quantity associated with the refund item. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | The unique ID of the order return. |
retailer_notified | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the retailer has been notified of the order return or not. |
created_datetime | String | The date and time that the order return was created. |
items | An array of objects that hold details of the items associated with the order return. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | The unique ID of the order return item. |
return_id | Int | The ID of the return that the return item is associated with. |
order_id | Int | The ID of the order that the return item is associated with. |
order_item_id | Int | The ID of the order item that the return item is associated with. |
quantity | Int | The item quantity associated with the return item. |
Name | Type | Description |
carrier_name | String | The name of the shipping carrier associated with the order shipment. |
status_name | String | The status name associated with the order shipment. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the order shipment. |
tracking | String | The shipping tracking ID associated with the order shipment. |
tracking_url | String | The shipping tracking URL associated with the order shipment. |
status | Int | The status ID associated with the order shipment. |
retailer_notified | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the retailer has been notified of the order shipment. |
created_datetime | String | The date and time the order shipment was created. |
dispatch_datetime | String | The date and time the order shipment was dispatched. |
carrier | String | The name of the shipping carrier associated with the order shipment. |
carrier_data | String | Meta data associated with the order shipment. |
label_url | String | A URL to the shipping label associated with the order shipment. |
document_url | String | A URL to the integrated shipping document associated with the order shipment. |
customs_declaration_url | String | A URL to the customs label associated with the order shipment. |
items | An object that holds details of the items associated with the order shipment. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | The unique ID of the order shipment item. |
shipment_id | Int | The ID of the shipment that the shipment item is associated with. |
order_id | Int | The ID of the order that the shipment item is associated with. |
order_item_id | Int | The ID of the order item that the shipment item is associated with. |
quantity | Int | The item quantity associated with the shipment item. |
Name | Type | Description |
line_count | Int | The number of lines on the order. |
unit_count | Int | The total number of units on the order. For example, a 2 line order with a quantity on each line of 2, would have a unit count of 4. |
Name | Type | Description |
pricing_tree_id | Int | The pricing tree ID associated with the product. |
supplier_artwork_guidelines_ref | String | An internal reference to the PDF file uploaded containing the products’ supplier artwork guidelines. |
sewing_instructions_ref | String | An internal reference to the PDF file uploaded containing the products’ sewing instructions. |
size_guide_ref | String | An internal reference to the PDF file uploaded containing the products’ size guide. |
supplier_company_ref_id | Int | The company reference ID of the fulfiller of the product. |
owner_company_ref_id | Int | The company reference ID of the owner of the product. |
default_app_dd | String | The dynamic design category ID to be used in the default app smartlink of the product. |
default_app_ddp | String | The dynamic design product ID to be used in the default app smartlink of the product. |
default_app_g | String | The image gallery reference to be used in the default app smartlink of the product. |
contextual_data_provider | String | A URI to the contextual data provider for the product. |
artwork_output_type | String | The artwork output type associated with the product. For example, Raster or Vector. |
base_product_id | Int | The base product ID associated with the product. Relates to virtual products only. |
base_stock_product_id | Int | The base stock product ID associated with the product. |
wholesale_blank_product_id | Int | The wholesale blank product ID associated with the product. |
product_state_overlay_id | Int | The product state overlay ID associated with the product. |
machine_type | String | The machine type associated with the product. |
classification | String | The classification of the product. For example, Clothing & Apparel or Cards & Stationary. |
sample_document_template_id | Int | The unique ID of the sample document template associated with the product. |
id | Int | The unique numerical ID of the product. |
ref | String | The unique alphanumeric reference of the product. |
name | String | The product name. |
productCode | String | The fulfiller SKU of the product. |
supplierName | String | The name of the fulfiller of the product. |
initX | Int | The initial x position of the product. 3D products only. |
initY | Int | The initial y position of the product. 3D products only. |
initXRot | Float | The initial x rotation of the product. 3D products only. |
initYRot | Float | The initial y rotation of the product. 3D products only. |
initScale | Float | The initial scale of the product. 3D products only. |
product_sample_count | Int | The total number of samples associated with the product. |
parent_id | Int | The unique ID of the product that this product was duplicated from. |
date_created | String | The date and time the product was created, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. |
is_locked | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether or not the product is locked. |
locked_by_user_id | Int | The ID of the user that locked the product. |
locked_timestamp | String | The timestamp of when the product was locked. |
enquiry_count | Int | The total number of enquiries associated with the product. |
print_job_count | Int | The total number of print jobs associated with the product. |
creator_user_id | Int | The ID of the user that created the product. |
background_image_ref | String | An internal reference to the background image. |
product_image_ref | String | An internal reference to the product image. |
product_images_gallery_ref | String | An internal reference to the products’ gallery images. |
space | String | Whether the product is 2D or 3D. |
space_conversion_product | Int | The ID of the 3D product that’s associated with the product. Used for 3D conversion in smartlink apps. |
modelling_job_id | Int | The unique ID of the products’ associated modelling job. |
has_texture_png | Int | A flag to indicate whether the product has a texture PNG associated with it. 3D products only. |
has_webgl_model_dae | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the product has a WebGL DAE file associated with it. 3D products only. |
type | Int | The type of product. For example, 4096 for Blank or 1024 for Virtual. Details on product types can be found here. |
is_x_rotation_allowed | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether rotation is allowed on the x axis. 3D products only. |
is_y_rotation_allowed | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether rotation is allowed on the y axis. 3D products only. |
has_uv_map | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the product has a UV map. 3D products only. |
is_webgl_compatible | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the product is compatible with the WebGL renderer. 3D products only. |
psog_has_been_queued | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the product has been queued for asset regeneration on the PSOG server. |
default_app | String | The app layout code to be used in the default app smartlink of the product. |
default_app_config | String | The configuration reference to be used in the default app smartlink of the product. |
default_app_locale | String | The locale reference to be used in the default app smartlink of the product. |
default_app_pc | String | The product category ID to be used in the default app smartlink of the product. |
last_modified | String | The date and time the product was last modified, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the product is deleted. |
retail_sku | String | The retail SKU of the product. |
is_discontinued | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the product has been discontinued. |
has_error | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the product has an error. |
error_message | String | A string describing the current error on the product. |
is_disabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the product is disabled. |
ecommerce | An object that holds details of the product eCommerce data associated with the product. | |
bespoke_image | An object that holds details of the bespoke image associated with the product. | |
background_image | An object that holds details of the background image associated with the product. | |
supplier_artwork_guidelines | SupplierArtworkGuidelines | An object that holds details of the supplier artwork guidelines associated with the product. |
sewing_instructions | SewingInstructions | An object that holds details of the sewing instructions associated with the product. |
size_guide | SizeGuide | An object that holds details of the size guide associated with the product. |
snapshots | Snapshots | An object that holds details of the snapshots associated with the product. |
legacy_3d | Legacy3d | An object that holds details of the legacy 3D data associated with the product. |
base_product | An object that holds details of the base product associated with the product. | |
base_stock_product | An object that holds details of the base stock product associated with the product. | |
wholesale_blank_product | An object that holds details of the wholesale blank product associated with the product. | |
space_conversion_product_entity | An object that holds details of the 3D conversion product associated with the product. | |
acl | ProductAcl | An object that holds details of the Access Control Level (ACL) permissions associated with the product. |
supplier | Company | An object that holds details of the fulfiller company associated with the product. |
owner | Company | An object that holds details of the owner company associated with the product. |
creator_user | User | An object that holds details of the creator user associated with the product. |
artworks | An array of objects that hold details of the surface area artwork associated with the product. | |
regional_suppliers | ProductRegionalSupplier | An array of objects that hold details of the regional suppliers associated with the product. |
network_suppliers | ProductNetworkSupplier | An array of objects that hold details of the order routing network suppliers associated with the product. |
pricing_tree | PricingTree | An object that holds details of the pricing tree associated with the product. |
attribute_sets | An array of objects that hold details of the attribute sets associated with the product. | |
field_maps | ProductFieldMap | An array of objects that hold details of the field maps associated with the product. |
surface_areas | ProductSurfaceArea | An array of objects that hold details of the surface areas (print areas) associated with the product. |
static_designs | ProductStaticDesign | An array of objects that hold details of the static designs associated with the product. |
surface_merges | An array of objects that hold details of the surface merges (print area layouts) associated with the product. | |
text_areas | An array of objects that hold details of the text areas associated with the product. | |
image_areas | An array of objects that hold details of the image areas associated with the product. | |
colour_areas | ProductColourArea | An array of objects that hold details of the colour areas associated with the product. |
legacy_views | ProductLegacyView | An array of objects that hold details of the legacy 2D views associated with the product. |
aspects | An array of objects that hold details of the aspects associated with the product. | |
aspect_options | An array of objects that hold details of the aspect options associated with the product. | |
attributes | An array of objects that hold details of the attributes associated with the product. | |
categories | ProductProductCategory | An array of objects that hold details of the categories associated with the product. |
print_sizes | An array of objects that hold details of the print sizes associated with the product. | |
variants | An array of objects that hold details of the variants associated with the product. | |
legacy_tier_prices | ProductLegacyTierPrice | An array of objects that hold details of the legacy tiered prices associated with the product. |
pricing_matrices | An array of objects that hold details of the pricing matrices associated with the product. | |
product_state_overlay | ProductState | An object that holds details of the product state overlay associated with the product. |
images | GalleryImage | An array of objects that hold details of the additional images associated with the product. |
networks | ProductOreNetwork | An array of objects that hold details of the order routing networks associated with the product. |
update_log | ProductUpdateLog | An array of objects that hold details of the update logs associated with the product. |
upsell_categories | ProductCategory | An array of objects that hold details of the upsell categories associated with the product. |
Name | Type | Description |
default_option_id | Int | The unique ID of the aspect option that is set as the default option for this product aspect. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the product aspect. |
product_id | Int | The unique ID of the product that is associated with this product aspect. |
name | String | The name of the product aspect. |
material_name | String | The name of the material associated with the product aspect. 3D products only. |
type | Int | A numerical value representing the product aspect type. 0 = 2D product aspect, 1 = 3D product aspect. |
width | Int | The width of the product aspect in px. |
height | Int | The height of the product aspect in px. |
ui_display_order | Int | A value that determines the display order of the product aspect in the user interface. |
last_modified | String | The date and time the product aspect was last modified, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. |
is_mockup | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the product aspect is a mockup. |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the product aspect is deleted. |
default_option | An object that holds details of the default aspect option associated with the product aspect. | |
virtual | An object that holds details of the virtual aspect associated with the product aspect. | |
options | An array of objects that hold details of the aspect options associated with the product aspect. |
Name | Type | Description |
swatch_colour | Int | The swatch colours hexadecimal value, converted to decimal. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the aspect option. |
aspect_id | Int | The unique ID of the product aspect that the aspect option is associated with. |
product_id | Int | The unique ID of the product that the aspect option is associated with. |
name | String | The name of the aspect option. |
sku | String | The SKU of the aspect option. |
main_ext | String | The file extension of the aspect option main image. |
mask_ext | String | The file extension of the aspect option mask image. |
main_url | String | The URL of the aspect option main image. |
mask_url | String | The URL of the aspect option mask image. |
main_thumbnail_url | String | The thumbnail URL of the aspect option main image. |
mask_thumbnail_url | String | The thumbnail URL of the aspect option mask image. |
ui_display_order | Int | A value that determines the display order of the aspect option in the user interface. |
space_conversion_product_id | Int | The unique ID of the 3D conversion product associated with the aspect option. |
last_modified | String | The date and time the aspect option was last modified, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the aspect option is deleted. |
is_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the aspect option is enabled. |
price | Float | The price associated with the aspect option. |
urls | An object that holds details of the aspect option image URLs associated with the aspect option. | |
virtual | An object that holds details of the virtual aspect option associated with the aspect option. |
Name | Type | Description |
aspect_name | String | The name of the product aspect that the aspect option is associated with. |
swatch_colour | Int | The swatch colours hexadecimal value, converted to decimal. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the aspect option. |
aspect_id | Int | The unique ID of the product aspect that the aspect option is associated with. |
product_id | Int | The unique ID of the product that the aspect option is associated with. |
name | String | The name of the aspect option. |
sku | String | The SKU of the aspect option. |
main_ext | String | The file extension of the aspect option main image. |
mask_ext | String | The file extension of the aspect option mask image. |
main_url | String | The URL of the aspect option main image. |
mask_url | String | The URL of the aspect option mask image. |
main_thumbnail_url | String | The thumbnail URL of the aspect option main image. |
mask_thumbnail_url | String | The thumbnail URL of the aspect option mask image. |
ui_display_order | Int | A value that determines the display order of the aspect option in the user interface. |
space_conversion_product_id | Int | The unique ID of the 3D conversion product associated with the aspect option. |
last_modified | String | The date and time the aspect option was last modified, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the aspect option is deleted. |
is_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the aspect option is enabled. |
price | Float | The price associated with the aspect option. |
urls | An object that holds details of the aspect option image URLs associated with the aspect option. |
Name | Type | Description |
main_preview | String | The main preview URL of the aspect option. |
main_thumbnail | String | The main thumbnail URL of the aspect option. |
mask_preview | String | The mask preview URL of the aspect option. |
mask_thumbnail | String | The mask thumbnail URL of the aspect option. |
Name | Type | Description |
icon_url | String | The URL of the icon associated with the product attribute. |
attribute_id | Int | The unique ID of the product attribute. |
group_name | String | The group name associated with the product attribute. |
attribute_name | String | The name of the product attribute. |
sku | String | The SKU of the product attribute. |
price | Float | The price of the product attribute. |
is_internal | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product attribute is internal. |
is_separate_order_line | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product attribute will generate a separate order line if selected. |
ui_display_order | Int | A value that determines the display order of the product attribute in the user interface. |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product attribute is deleted. |
description | String | The description associated with the product attribute. |
has_icon | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product attribute has an icon. |
is_default | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product attribute is set as the default attribute. |
is_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product attribute is enabled. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | The unique ID of the product attribute set. |
name | String | The name of the product attribute set. |
company_ref_id | Int | The company reference ID of the company associated with the product attribute set. |
attributes | An array of objects that hold details of the attributes associated with the product attribute set. | |
company | PublicCompany | An object that holds details of the company associated with the product attribute set. |
Name | Type | Description |
icon_url | String | The URL of the icon associated with the product attribute. |
attribute_id | Int | The unique ID of the product attribute. |
group_name | String | The group name associated with the product attribute. |
attribute_name | String | The name of the product attribute. |
sku | String | The SKU of the product attribute. |
price | Float | The price of the product attribute. |
is_internal | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product attribute is internal. |
is_separate_order_line | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product attribute will generate a separate order line if selected. |
ui_display_order | Int | A value that determines the display order of the product attribute in the user interface. |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product attribute is deleted. |
description | String | The description associated with the product attribute. |
has_icon | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product attribute has an icon. |
is_default | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product attribute is set as the default attribute. |
is_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product attribute is enabled. |
Name | Type | Description |
tax_rate | Int | The products’ tax rate. |
licence_company_ref_id | Int | The unique company reference ID of the license company. |
branding_attribute_set_id | Int | The ID of the branding attribute set associated with the product. |
item_stock_quantity_strategy | String | A URI to the item stock quantity strategy. |
item_stock_weight_strategy | String | A URI to the item stock weight strategy. |
shipping_dimension_depth_cm | Int | The depth dimension of the product. |
shipping_dimension_width_cm | Int | The width dimension of the product. |
shipping_dimension_height_cm | Int | The height dimension of the product. |
gtin | String | The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) of the product. |
product_id | Int | The unique ID of the product that’s related to the product eCommerce. |
sales_description | String | The short sales description. |
sales_description_long | String | The long sales description. |
minimum_order_quantity | Int | The minimum quantity of the product that can be ordered. |
maximum_order_quantity | Int | The maximum quantity of the product that can be ordered. |
lead_time | String | The lead time description for the product. |
lead_time_days | Int | The lead time for the product in days. |
production_time | Int | The amount of time it takes to produce the product. |
manufacturers_code | String | The manufacturers code of the product. |
standard_margin | Float | The standard price margin of the product. |
price_includes | String | A description of what is included for the product price. |
weight | Float | The weight of the product. |
hs_code | String | The Harmonized System (HS) code of the product. |
tax_code | String | The products’ tax code. |
selling_unit | String | The selling unit of the product. |
website_category_details | String | Details of the website categories that the products will be placed in. |
notes | String | Notes relating to the product. |
license | String | The license name associated with the product. |
license_percentage | String | The license percentage associated with the product. |
third_party_personalisation_url | String | The 3rd party personalisation URL. |
barcode | String | The barcode number of the product. |
dimensions | String | The product dimensions. |
increment_quantity | Int | The amount the quantity will increment each time the increment quantity button is clicked. |
price_setup | Float | The setup price of the product. |
price_per_stitch | Float | The price per stitch of an embroidery product. |
price_per_print_area | Float | The price per print area filled. |
price_per_detected_colour | Float | The price per detected colour of the printed product. |
parent_name | String | The name of the parent product associated with this product. |
parent_sku | String | The SKU of the parent product associated with this product. |
nominal_code | String | The nominal code of the product. |
packaging_sku | String | The packaging SKU associated with the product. |
certificate_url | String | A URL to the product certificate. |
meta_title | String | The meta title of the product. |
meta_description | String | The meta description of the product. |
production_instructions | String | The production instructions for the product. |
brand_code | String | The brand code of the product. |
brand_name | String | The brand name of the product. |
brand_name_short | String | The short brand name of the product. |
design_name | String | The design name of the product. |
design_code | String | The design code of the product. |
daily_capacity | Int | The amount of units that can be fulfilled daily. |
parcel_count | Int | The parcel count of the product. |
default_shipping_carrier | String | The default shipping carrier of the product. |
licence | Company | An object that holds details of the license company associated with the product. |
branding_attribute_set | An object that holds details of the branding attribute set associated with the product. |
Name | Type | Description |
linked_gallery_id | Int | The unique ID of the gallery associated with the product image area. |
linked_gallery_image_id | Int | The unique ID of the gallery image associated with the product image area. |
mask_gallery_image_id | Int | The unique ID of the gallery mask image associated with the product image area. |
template_image_area_id | Int | The unique ID of the product image area. |
ref | String | The unique alpha-numeric reference of the product image area. |
template_image_name | String | The name of the product image area. |
internal_name | String | The internal name of the product image area. |
template_image_area_x | Int | The position of the image area on the x-axis in pixels. |
template_image_area_y | Int | The position of the image area on the y-axis in pixels. |
template_image_area_z | Int | The z-index of the image area. |
product_id | Int | The unique ID of the product associated with the product image area. |
template_image_area_width | Int | The width of the image area in pixels. |
template_image_area_height | Int | The height of the image area in pixels. |
template_image_area_angle | Int | The amount of rotation applied to the image area in degrees. |
surface_id | Int | The unique ID of the surface area (print area) associated with the product image area. |
recommended_image_width | Int | The recommended image width in pixels. |
recommended_image_height | Int | The recommended image height in pixels. |
has_placeholder | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product image area has a placeholder. |
allow_move | Boolean | A flag to indicate if image movement is enabled on the product image area in the smartlink app. |
allow_rotate | Boolean | A flag to indicate if image rotation is enabled on the product image area in the smartlink app. |
allow_zoom | Boolean | A flag to indicate if image zoom is enabled on the product image area in the smartlink app. |
fit_mode | Int | A numerical value to indicate the fit mode set on the image area. 0 = Cover |
anchor_gravity | Int | A numerical value to indicate the anchor gravity set on the image area. 1 = North West |
gallery_only | Boolean | A flag to indicate if image upload is disabled on the product image area in the smartlink app. |
allow_input | Boolean | A flag to indicate if user input is enabled on the product image area in the smartlink app. |
sync_from_area_id | Int | The unique ID of the image area that this image area should sync from. |
sync_effect | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the effect should be used from the synchronised image area. |
default_effect | Int | The unique ID of the default effect associated with the product image area. |
use_placeholder_in_artwork | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product image area placeholder should be used in artwork generation. |
ui_display_order | Int | A value that determines the display order of the product image area in the user smartlink app. |
render_delegate | Int | A numerical value to indicate the image area type. 0 = Normal |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product image area is deleted. |
is_required | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the product image area is required to be filled. |
surface_area | ProductSurfaceArea | An object that holds details of the surface area (print area) associated with the product image area. |
linked_gallery | Gallery | An object that holds details of the gallery associated with the product image area. |
linked_gallery_image | GalleryImage | An object that holds details of the gallery image associated with the product image area. |
mask_gallery_image | GalleryImage | An object that holds details of the gallery mask image associated with the product image area. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | The unique ID of the product pricing tier. |
group_id | Int | The unique ID of the pricing tier group associated with the product pricing tier. |
quantity | Int | The quantity associated with the product pricing tier. |
price | Float | The price associated with the product pricing tier. |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product pricing tier is deleted. |
Name | Type | Description |
seller_company_ref_id | Int | The unique company reference ID of the seller associated with the pricing tier group. |
buyer_company_ref_id | Int | The unique company reference ID of the buyer associated with the pricing tier group. |
attribute_id | Int | The unique ID of the attribute associated with the pricing tier group. |
surface_area_id | Int | The unique ID of the surface area (print area) associated with the pricing tier group. |
text_area_id | Int | The unique ID of the text area associated with the pricing tier group. |
image_area_id | Int | The unique ID of the image area associated with the pricing tier group. |
variant_id | Int | The unique ID of the variant associated with the pricing tier group. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the pricing tier group. |
product_id | Int | The unique ID of the product associated with the pricing tier group. |
price_type | Int | A numerical value to indicate the price type set on the pricing tier group. 0 = Cost (ex tax) |
element_type | Int | A numerical value to indicate the element type set on the pricing tier group. 0 = Base |
currency | String | The 3 letter currency code associated with the tiered pricing group. |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product pricing tier group is deleted. |
buyer | Company | An object that holds details of the buyer company associated with the pricing tier group. |
seller | Company | An object that holds details of the seller company associated with the pricing tier group. |
tiers | An array of objects that hold details of the pricing tiers associated with the pricing tier group. | |
variant | An object that holds details of the variant associated with the pricing tier group. | |
attribute | An object that holds details of the attribute associated with the pricing tier group. | |
image_area | An object that holds details of the image area associated with the pricing tier group. | |
text_area | An object that holds details of the text area associated with the pricing tier group. | |
surface_area | An object that holds details of the surface area (print area) associated with the pricing tier group. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | The unique ID of the product print size. |
product_id | Int | The unique ID of the product associated with the product print size. |
external_ref | String | The external reference of the product print size. |
description | String | The description of the product print size. |
size | Float | The multiplier of the product print size. For example, a value of 0.5 would provide a print output that’s half the size of the values specified as the output size on the print area. |
price | Float | The price associated with the product print size. |
type | Int | A numerical value to indicate the print size type set on the product print size. 1 = Multiplier |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the product print size is deleted. |
Name | Type | Description |
legacy_colour_area_num | Int | LEGACY |
aspect_id | Int | The unique ID of the aspect that the surface area is associated with. |
aspect_option_id | Int | The unique ID of the aspect option that the surface area is associated with. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the surface area. |
name | String | The name of the surface area. |
internal_name | String | The internal name of the surface area. |
prodId | Int | The ID of the product that the surface area is associated with. |
x | Int | The x position of the surface area in pixels. |
y | Int | The y position of the surface area in pixels. |
width | Int | The width of the surface area in pixels. |
height | Int | The height of the surface area in pixels. |
maskx | Int | The x position of the surface area mask in pixels. |
masky | Int | The y position of the surface area mask in pixels. |
maskwidth | Int | The width of the surface area mask in pixels. |
maskheight | Int | The height of the surface area mask in pixels. |
print_width | Float | The width of the print output in mm. |
print_height | Float | The height of the print output in mm. |
print_arc_angle | Int | The number of degrees the print output arcs. |
view_id | Int | The unique ID of the 2D view that the print area is associated with. 2D views are a legacy part of the product so you will only see this field populated on older products. |
has_mask | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the print area has a mask uploaded against it. |
barcode_type | String | A string that indicates the type of barcode used on this print area. |
barcode_x_mm | Int | The barcode width in mm. |
barcode_y_mm | Int | The barcode height in mm. |
has_artwork | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the print area has artwork uploaded to it. |
print_apply_colours | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether colours selected on the colour area will be output in the generated print file. |
print_apply_user_effects | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the effects selected, will be output in the generated print file. |
print_transparent | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the print output will have a transparent background. |
print_flip_x | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the generated print file will be flipped on the x axis. |
print_flip_y | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the generated print file will be flipped on the y axis. |
print_effect | Int | A numerical value to indicate the print effect applied to the print area. 0 = No Effect |
print_dpi | Int | The resolution of the print file in DPI. |
price | Float | The price associated with the print area. |
use_in_artwork_generation | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the print area will be used in artwork generation. |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the print area is deleted. |
is_mask_area_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the print mask area is enabled. |
artworks | An array of objects that hold details of the artworks associated with the print area. | |
regions | ProductSurfaceAreaRegion | An array of objects that hold details of the regions associated with the print area. |
mock_ups | ProductSurfaceAreaMockUp | An array of objects that hold details of the mock ups associated with the print area. |
sizes | An array of objects that hold details of the print area sizes associated with the print area. | |
aspect | An object that holds details of the aspect associated with the print area. | |
aspect_option | An object that holds details of the aspect option associated with the print area. | |
legacy_view | ProductLegacyView | An object that holds details of the legacy 2D view associated with the print area. |
mask_image | SurfaceAreaMaskImage | An object that holds details of the mask image associated with the print area. |
Name | Type | Description |
offset_x_mm | Int | The amount of offset in mm, applied to the print area artwork along the x-axis. |
offset_y_mm | Int | The amount of offset in mm, applied to the print area artwork along the y-axis. |
fullsize_width_px | Int | The width of the fullsize print area artwork in pixels. |
fullsize_height_px | Int | The height of the fullsize print area artwork in pixels. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the print area artwork. |
product_id | Int | The unique ID of the product associated with the print area artwork. |
surface_id | Int | The unique ID of the print area associated with the print area artwork. |
fullsize_url | String | A URL to the fullsize artwork. |
preview_url | String | A URL to the artwork preview. |
fit_mode | Int | A numerical value to indicate the print area artwork fit mode. 0 = Cover |
type | String | A string to indicate the print area artwork type. For example, “raster”, “vector”, “vcl”, “wilcom” or “vrbtim”. |
is_required_for_virtuals | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the artwork is required for virtual products. |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the print area artwork is deleted. |
variant_ids | Int | An array of variant IDs associated with the print area artwork. |
Name | Type | Description |
preview_x_px | Int | The amount of offset in pixels, applied to the print area variation preview along the x-axis. |
preview_y_px | Int | The amount of offset in pixels, applied to the print area variation preview along the y-axis. |
preview_width_px | Int | The width of the print area variation preview in pixels. |
preview_height_px | Int | The height of the print area variation preview in pixels. |
print_width_mm | Float | The print width in mm for the print area variation. |
print_height_mm | Float | The print height in mm for the print area variation. |
print_dpi | Int | The print resolution of the print area variation, in DPI. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the print area variation. |
surface_id | Int | The unique ID of the print area associated with the print area variation. |
print_size_id | Int | The unique ID of the print size associated with the print area variation. |
is_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the print area variation is enabled. |
print_size | An object that holds details of the print size associated with the print area variation. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | The unique ID of the print area layout. |
ref | String | The unique alpha-numeric reference of the print area layout. |
name | String | The name of the print area layout. |
product_id | Int | The unique ID of the product associated with the print area layout. |
width_mm | Float | The width of the print output in mm. |
height_mm | Float | The height of the print output in mm. |
dpi | Int | The print resolution of the print area layout, in DPI. |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the print area layout is deleted. |
items | An array of objects that hold details of the print area layout items associated with the print area layout. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | The unique ID of the print area layout item. |
ref | String | The unique alpha-numeric reference of the print area layout item. |
merge_id | Int | The unique ID of the print area layout associated with the print area layout item. |
x_mm | Float | The position of the print area layout item on the x-axis, in mm. |
y_mm | Float | The position of the print area layout item on the y-axis, in mm. |
rotation_deg | Float | The amount of rotation applied to the print area layout item, in degrees. |
surface_id | Int | The unique ID of the print area associated with the print area layout item. |
z_index | Int | The z-index of the print area layout item. |
surface_area | An object that holds details of the print area associated with the print area layout item. |
Name | Type | Description |
fill_pattern_gallery_id | Int | The unique ID of the fill pattern gallery associated with the text area. |
font_set_id | Int | The unique ID of the font set associated with the text area. |
size_set_id | Int | The unique ID of the size set associated with the text area. |
colour_set_id | Int | The unique ID of the colour set associated with the text area. |
template_text_area_id | Int | The unique ID of the text area. |
name | String | The name of the text area. |
internal_name | String | The internal name of the text area. |
product_id | Int | The unique ID of the product associated with the text area. |
template_text_area_x | Int | The position of the text area on the x-axis in px. |
template_text_area_y | Int | The position of the text area on the y-axis in px. |
template_text_area_size | Int | The default font size set on the text area. |
font_id | Int | The unique ID of the default font associated with the text area. |
colour | String | The default colour set on the text area, in hexadecimal format. |
stroke_colour | String | The stroke colour set on the text area, in hexadecimal format. |
stroke_width | Int | The stroke width set on the text area. |
justify | String | The text justification of the text area. Valid values are “left”, “right”, “center”, “left-justify”, “center-justify”, “right-justify” or “full-justify". |
is_justification_hyphenation_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether justified text will use hyphenation, splitting a word across 2 lines. |
vertical_align | String | The vertical alignment of the text area. Valid values are “top”, “middle” or “bottom”. |
character_limit | Int | The character limit of the text area. |
max_lines | Int | The maximum number of lines of the text area. |
textarea_rotation | Int | The degrees of rotation for the text area. |
isMultiline | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the text area is multi-line. |
surface_id | Int | The unique ID of the surface area (print area) associated with the text area. |
allow_rotate | Boolean | A flag to indicate if text rotation is enabled on the text area in the smartlink app. |
allow_move | Boolean | A flag to indicate if text movement is enabled on the text area in the smartlink app. |
allow_input | Boolean | A flag to indicate if user input is enabled on the text area in the smartlink app. |
allow_arc | Boolean | A flag to indicate if text arcing is enabled on the text area in the smartlink app. |
allow_resize | Boolean | A flag to indicate if text resize is enabled on the text area in the smartlink app. |
text_boundary_x | Int | The position of the text area boundary on the x-axis in px. |
text_boundary_y | Int | The position of the text area boundary on the y-axis in px. |
text_boundary_width | Int | The width of the text area boundary in px. |
text_boundary_height | Int | The height of the text area boundary in px. |
text_boundary_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the text area boundary is enabled. |
text_boundary_auto_fit | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether auto fit is enabled on the text area boundary. |
text_boundary_auto_newline | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether auto newline is enabled on the text area boundary. |
text_boundary_auto_arc | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether auto arc is enabled on the text area boundary. |
text_boundary_has_mask | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the text area boundary has a mask. |
text_boundary_artwork_clip | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether text will be clipped at the text boundary, at the point of print artwork generation. |
text_boundary_auto_line_spacing | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether auto line spacing is enabled on the text area boundary. |
auto_arc_vertical_direction | Int | A numerical value to indicate the vertical direction of the text arc. 1 = Up |
placeholder_text | String | The placeholder text set on the text area. |
force_casing | String | A string to indicate the force casing type set on the text area. Valid values would be “upper”, “lower”, “title” or an empty string if force casing is disabled. |
arc_angle | Float | The number of degrees the text area arcs. |
sync_from_area_id | Int | The unique ID of the text area that this text area should sync from. |
sync_rotation | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the rotation should be used from the synchronised text area. |
sync_size | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the size should be used from the synchronised text area. |
sync_colour | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the colour should be used from the synchronised text area. |
sync_font | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the font should be used from the synchronised text area. |
sync_text | Boolean | A flag to indicate if the text should be used from the synchronised text area. |
options | String | A list of text input options for the text area. |
render_mode | Int | A numerical value to indicate the render mode on the text area, in relation to text fill and stroke. 1 = Fill |
default_effect | Int | The unique ID of the default effect associated with the text area. |
type | Int | A numerical value to indicate the type set on the text area. 1 = Standard |
datepicker_format | String | The date format when Type is set to Date Picker on the text area. |
use_placeholder_in_artwork | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the text areas’ placeholder text will be used in artwork generation. |
use_default_rotation_in_artwork | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the text areas’ default rotation will be used in artwork generation. |
is_required | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the product text area is required to be filled. |
ui_display_order | Int | A value that determines the display order of the product text area in the user smartlink app. |
price | Float | The price associated with the text area. |
render_delegate | Int | A numerical value to indicate the text area type. 0 = Normal |
input_pattern_regex | String | A regular expression that provides input validation on the text area. |
preserve_whitespace | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether leading or trailing white space characters are preserved on the text area. |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the text area is deleted. |
font | Font | An object that holds details of the default font associated with the text area. |
surface_area | An object that holds details of the print area associated with the text area. | |
fill_pattern_gallery | Gallery | An object that holds details of the fill pattern gallery associated with the text area. |
fonts (Array) | ProductTextAreaFont | An array of objects that hold details of the fonts associated with the text area. |
font_set | ProductAssignmentSet | An object that holds details of the font set associated with the text area. |
colour_set | ProductAssignmentSet | An object that holds details of the colour set associated with the text area. |
size_set | ProductAssignmentSet | An object that holds details of the size set associated with the text area. |
Name | Type | Description |
attribute_1_id | Int | The unique ID of the first attribute associated with the product variant. |
attribute_2_id | Int | The unique ID of the second attribute associated with the product variant. |
aspect_option_1_id | Int | The unique ID of the first aspect option associated with the product variant. |
aspect_option_2_id | Int | The unique ID of the second aspect option associated with the product variant. |
text_area_1_option | String | The unique ID of the text area option associated with the product variant. |
print_size_id | Int | The unique ID of the print size associated with the product variant. |
base_stock_product_id | Int | The unique ID of the base stock product associated with the product variant. |
production_attribute_set_id | Int | The unique ID of the production attribute set associated with the product variant. |
name | String | The name of the product variant. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the product variant. |
product_id | Int | The unique ID of the product associated with the product variant. |
ref | String | The unique alpha-numeric reference of the product variant. |
sku | String | The SKU of the product variant. |
is_deleted | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the product variant is deleted. |
attribute_1 | An object that holds details of the first attribute associated with the product variant. | |
attribute_2 | An object that holds details of the second attribute associated with the product variant. | |
aspect_option_1 | An object that holds details of the first aspect option associated with the product variant. | |
aspect_option_2 | An object that holds details of the second aspect option associated with the product variant. | |
print_size | An object that holds details of the print size associated with the product variant. | |
base_stock_product | An object that holds details of the base stock product associated with the product variant. | |
production_attribute_set | An object that holds details of the production attribute set associated with the product variant. |
Name | Type | Description |
default_option_id | Int | The unique ID of the default aspect option set on the virtual aspect. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the virtual aspect. |
product_id | Int | The unique ID of the product associated with the virtual aspect. |
aspect_id | Int | The unique ID of the blank product aspect associated with the virtual aspect. |
Name | Type | Description |
is_enabled | Boolean | A flag to indicate whether the virtual aspect option is enabled. |
id | Int | The unique ID of the virtual aspect option. |
product_id | Int | The unique ID of the product associated with the virtual aspect option. |
option_id | Int | The unique ID of the blank product aspect option associated with the virtual aspect option. |